Monday, July 18, 2011

Make a Difference!

Welcome back!

So I was on , and was reading an article about a girl named Hannah- (not me, but she has the same name-) making a difference in her school. I would love it if you girls would read it! I put her tips she listed below, so you can read that here. Or, if you would like to read the full article, which I reccomend, here is the link- Here it is! .  Thanks!

(Written on by a girl named Hannah- (look above at second paragraph!)

Here are some tips on how you can make a difference in your school!
  • Always obey God’s calling! When you obey what God is telling you to do, then He will bless you!
  • Pray, pray, pray!!! Prayer is so very important! In prayer, God will reveal to you what it is He wants you to do!
  • Look around. God showed me the need for the girls in my school to develop a pure heart! Look around and see what it is the kids in your school are missing!
  • Don’t be ashamed! Probably one of the most important things. Some people made fun of me for standing up for God. That was just the Devil trying to get me down. Just because people make fun of you, does not mean you should stop! People made fun of Jesus when He claimed to be the Son of God, didn’t they? They tortured Him as He hung on the cross. Persecution is just a small price to pay for the love and the freedom that was given to us when Jesus gave His life for us!
  • Don’t Get Discouraged! I could’ve easily been really discouraged when I wasn’t sure if the school board would approve of my idea! But as I patiently waited and prayed, things turned out better than I had hoped! God always makes a way when it’s His will!
  • Always Look Ahead!!! Always be thinking about how you can better share God’s love with others! Our curriculum for other girls to start a Pure Heart Girlz is a good example!
  • Be Unstoppable!!! With God on your side, prayer and faith, there is no stopping you! There is no limit to how big of a world-changer you will be!
Thanks so much for reading! Have a blessed day!
God Bless!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome Princesses!

Hello, and welcome fellow daughters of Christ!
     This website was inspired by Project Inspired, another Christian website your girls would love! Click here to go to the site!

      On here, there will be posts on everything we Christian girls face everyday! If you have any questions, comment, and I will give you my email adress. Thanks a billion!

 (PS: Look above at the different pages- posted soon- for fun topics, like Bible verses!)

 God Bless,